Newsletter 07/2021

Newsletter 07/2021 Here you can find our Newsletter from July 2021: TRR241 Newsletter 07.2021
iRTG Student Retreat 2020

iRTG Student Retreat 2020 The second student retreat was held online via Zoom from June 3-5. The retreat was organized by the PhD students themselves and was a real success. Dr. Stefan Uderhardt, Prof. Dr. Samuel Huber and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Krönke were invited to give a talk. Additionally, Andrey Kruglov, PI of TRR241, gave […]
Vision 2030: Changing Paradigms in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, June 10 – 11, 2021

International Symposium Vision 2030: Changing Paradigms in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases June 10-11, 2021 Unfortunately, our international symposium could only take place virtually due to the Corona pandemic, but it was still a great success. Many international guest speakers with interesting presentations were invited and we could welcome about 400 spectators. Congratulations to Ms. Marilena Letizia […]
Newsletter 04/2021

Newsletter 04/2021 Here you can find our Newsletter from April 2021: TRR241 Newsletter 04.2021
Newsletter 12/2020

Newsletter 12/2020 Here you can find our Newsletter from December 2020: TRR Newsletter 12.2020
Joint TRR241 Workshop 2020 at Jena, October 5th – 7th, 2020

Joint TRR241 Workshop 2020 at Jena October 5th – 7th, 2020 The TRR241 welcomed all members at the Retreat in Jena. In addition to progress reports from all projects, Sebastian Zundler (Department of Medicine 1, University Clinic Erlangen) and Ashley D. Sanders (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Genome Biology Unit) presented guest lectures. During the Project […]
Newsletter 09/2020

Newsletter 09/2020 Here you can find our Newsletter from September 2020: TRR241 Newsletter 09.2020
Newsletter 04/2020

Newsletter 04/2020 Here you can find our Newsletter from April 2020: TRR241 Newsletter 04.2020
Newsletter 12/2019

Newsletter 12/2019 Here you can find our Newsletter from December 2019: TRR241 Newsletter 12.2019
Newsletter 06/2019

Newsletter 06/2019 Here you can find our Newsletter from June 2019: TRR241 Newsletter 06.2019